This morning started out exceptionally well... I'm not usually one to post things like this however, the story I listened to today, I felt needed to be shared. It was incredible.
It was our Stake Relief Society Women's Conference with the theme
"Develop His Power Within You."
Three mini classes were given on certain topics in which you would pick two to go to. One of the two I chose was taught by Jennifer Jergensen. Her story she shared:
Her twin boys at a young age sat her down and told her this Kindergarten thing wasn't working out. They were done. Jennifer was slightly nervous and wanted to figure out the best way help her kids understand why school was important and a good thing without forcing them to go and hate it.
They continued to go to school and it continued to be a struggle for them. Jennifer soon found out from her twin boys school was hard because:
1.) Sometimes kids were mean
2.) The classes were hard to find in a big school where you could get lost
3.) Sometimes they didn't understand the material taught in class and felt behind
Jennifer gathered her small boys and took their hands. On their palms she wrote her cellphone number. She told them whenever they felt scared or alone they could call, knowing that she was there and thinking of them.
As the boys were scooted out the door to board the bus, Jennifer would wait at the door with a glass window and wave goodbye. The boys would walk a short amount, stop, turn around and wave back two to three times before they would board the bus. The boys knew Jennifer would be waiting for them when the bus would drop them off after school was over.
Jennifer said the thought occurred to her, I bet our Heavenly Father felt the same way with us before we left the pre-mortal existence to come to earth.
We too were scared and nervous because sometimes, kids would be mean, we could get lost in a place that big, and perhaps at times we wouldn't understand and feel behind.
Our Heavenly Father would watch and wave from the window as we turned around and waved back, knowing that He would be there when we were finished and on our way home.
His number in our palms, was there so we could call at anytime and know we were in His thoughts.
We could call at anytime we were scared, hurt, lost, or confused.
"The future is as bright as your faith."
-Thomas S. Monson-
The quote from Monson was taught and spoken of all day. How true it is that your attitude and faith shape the happiness in your life. If there has been one thing I have learned more than anything between now, last year and today, it's that we can choose to have a good day or a bad day.
When you wake up in the morning choose good.
When you choose to have a good day, you choose to be happy in life.
Learn from your past, prepare for your future, and live in the present.
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