Friday, February 6, 2015

Catch and Release

The weather was warm and it was the perfect day to go fishing with dad.

A good time to soak up the outdoors and make some memories. We decided to venture to Oneida Narrows in Idaho. 

First, let's get one thing straight. I haven't ever been fishing in waders. The shore line in my rain boots or barefeet, yes. Not waders. So I borrowed my brother's. Ian if you're reading this...sorry not sorry! 

They were slightly big for me but I managed...until I had to wade into the deeper part of the river. Then I had to take hold to Jeff's sleeve and waddle over like an old lady. Noob status. I eventually got the hang of it.

So stylish. 

The weather really was perfect. A slight breeze with a hint of spring on the way. Clouds occasionally strolling in to cover the sun for a brief moment. 

My dad in his waders and jean jacket, classic. 

Today was nothing short of boring!

Even though it was a nasty sucker, I still caught the biggest fish of the day! As you can see by my face, I was so excited. When the fish bite within 20 minutes of the day you get pretty pumped.

We did catch some cute little Rainbow Trout though!

It was such a beautiful day and I took a selfie because that's just what our generation does.

Catch and release, nah, hook 'em and cook 'em!

Today will be one of those days that I lock away in my heart. Enjoying the simplicities of life and reminding myself to slow down and take a breath was the perfect way to start my weekend. 

"Breathe, my friend. You are not old, you are young. You are not a mess, you are normal. Extraordinary, perhaps. In the blink of an eye your life will change. And it will continue to change for decades to come. Enjoy it, embrace it... be grateful for the ride. You are not old, you are young. And faith will get you everywhere. Just you wait."
-Abby Larson_

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