Monday, November 30, 2015

Earn your Turn, ahem turkey

Before last year, I never really gave much thought into "earning your turns."

Um, that's why God gave us ski lifts.

 Last year on Thanksgiving my cousin, Channing and her husband Jaron, invited me to third wheel it and hike to the top of Beaver Mountain.

(I'll third wheel it with these two any day. They are down for any adventures any time!)

Hiking this Thanksgiving gave me my feel for a small adventure I needed oh so much. Getting outside and taking in the fresh air, the pretty snow all around, and good laughs with good people.

I'm fairly certain there were as many dogs out earning their turns as there were skiers.

Bridgette and Lucy were also invited. I had a snuggle buddy the whole way home so was I really third wheeling it?

Hiking and earning your turns through a song... cue Miley Cyrus: just go with me on this one.

I can almost see it. (The top of Beaver Mountain)

That dream I'm dreaming, but
There's a voice inside my head saying

You'll never reach it (At the base of Beaver wondering if my breakfast smoothie will get me there?)

Every step I'm takin'

Every move I make
Feels lost with no direction, (15 minutes in--where the heck is the top?)

My faith is shakin'
But I, I gotta keep trying'

Gotta keep my head held high (Just a little further till mid-mountain, phew)

There's always gonna be another mountain (We ain't doing this next year!!)

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle (You can do this Autumn. Just hiking up two more full runs)

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose (Nope. Not today, Imma just ski down from here. Not even half way)

Ain't about how fast I get there (I'll meet you guys at the top...2 days later, no Autumn)

Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side (If I die hiking it might be good to go to the other side?)

It's the climb (Hey dogs come mush me up this mountain)

The struggles I'm facing (Ugh, too many layers and I'm sweating)

The chances I'm taking (Do I take my jacket off and cool down??)

Sometimes might knock me down, but (If that dog runs into me I'm for sure falling down)

No I'm not breaking
I may not know it, but

These are the moments that

I'm gonna remember most, yeah (Killing myself uphill forever to make a 10 minute ski down. But there is powder soooo meh let's do this)

Just gotta keep goin',
And I, I gotta be strong

Just keep pushing on, 'cause (CAUSE I'M EARNING THAT TURKEY, YO. HECK YEAH)

 photo blogautumn_zpse2b587ca.jpg

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