This afternoon I found a fairytale, a love story so close to home that I have never heard. I payed a visit to my Grandma Lila and Grandpa Melvin's house on this rainy afternoon. Upon arriving I found the two snuggled up in blankets listening to soft music from the T.V. Have you ever heard or known your grandparents love story?
Today I got to hear my grandparent's and it was a priceless moment I will forever cherish.
"Grandpa, how did you and Grandma meet?" I asked. My grandpa shyly smiled and began into their story...
Grandpa Melvin served an LDS mission with two companions named Jay and DeVerle, they were Grandma Lila's two brothers. Grandpa had first seen Grandma via a picture the brothers carried with them. Grandpa told the two brothers he was going to marry their sister before they got home from their missions.
Grandma however was already dating a boy in the Navy. Grandpa had other plans.
On April 21, 1956 Grandpa Melvin arrived home from his 2 year mission.
While telling me this part of the story Grandpa looked over at Grandma and moved his eyebrows up and down then looked back at me and winked.
My Grandma giggled and the story continued...
After dinner, Grandpa and his parents thanked the Hoth's for a wonderful dinner and began their way home. Grandpa's dad Ken, my Great-Grandpa told him, "I'd go after her if I was you." That's just what he did!
He asked my Grandma Lila on a date to attend a movie. At this point my Grandma interrupted and exclaimed, "I didn't tell him till later on when we were married that I had seen the movie already but didn't want to tell him!" Grandpa came back with, "I knew she was just watching me the whole time."
Afterwards, the two went to Artic Circle for a root beer float. Again Grandma chimed in, "He also didn't find out till later in the marriage that I thought he was cheap because I wanted a hamburger and I only got a root beer float, I was hungry!"
Grandpa smiled back at her. "From then on she had her way."
When the first date was all said and done, Grandma went back and told her friends that she was going to marry him.
Their second date was attending Stake Conference together where both sat next to each other with their arms folded. Grandma sneakily grabbed Grandpa's hand and held it for the remainder of the time.
June came along and the boy from the Navy that Grandma had previously dated stopped by. Grandma's little rendevous with the Navy boy made her hesitant about her new found feelings for Grandpa. She was torn between the two boys.
Grandpa took Grandma on a drive up to the Logan Temple for a little chat.
Little did Grandma know that Grandpa had the engagement ring with him and he was ready to pounce.
Grandpa was so giddy while telling the story and couldn't take his eyes off of Grandma.
Grandpa popped the question to Grandma, "Would you marry me?". Grandma told Grandpa about the Navy boy and said how she had been a little hesitant.
Grandma jumped in now with excitement in her voice, "He told me that if I didn't marry him then he would join the army, he was even crying!" The image of my grandparents so young and in love at the tender age of 19 and 22, with my Grandpa tearfully figting for his love melted my heart right then and there.
Grandpa talked Grandma into marrying him and gave her the ring...he was quite the catch.
They were married September 28, 1956 in the Logan Temple.
I see the way these two look at each other and what I see before me is true love... A love so strong that has lasted 58 years through 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Through health ailments and tough times they remain as one.
I asked her the key to it all....directed to me she said, "You're looking for Mr. Perfect. He wasn't perfect and neither was I. You're not gonna find a perfect one."
Our grandparents show and tell us the values and commitments it takes to stay together. We could all learn a lesson from their stories and lives.
Have you asked your grandparents their love story?
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