Sunday, December 11, 2011

What makes a good day?

It starts with waking up late...then deciding some new cupcakes need to be made
On today's menu: Orange cupcakes with Orange Almond Frosting. A...YUM!!

Zesting the oranges

The glorious smelling batter

Were ready to bake!

Now for the candied oranges

It wouldn't be a baking day with out some lovely holiday tunes!

The trick to candied oranges, lemons, etc is putting them in an ice bath

Perfect! Round and browned!


The baker: yours truly

Frosted with almonds on the edges. (I decided against the candied oranges because they were taking forever!)

With chocolate shavings. :)

Now to finish the night. Ski photo shoot with the friends. And horrible make-up.

Drop Dead Gorgeous suits. Many thanks to dear Mother Teresa and Papa Jeff.

Yes, we look good. Don't hate us cause you ain't us!!

Sid went Asian a-wall on us and flipped a peace sign.

Lindsay: Getting down with the ski

Sidney: She went the most crazy with her make-up and it shows!

And last but not least C'est moi! Question of the night: Do these pants make me look fat?!? If they do or don't you will be seeing them on the slopes this year. Look out. 

Unfortunately the cake of the cupcake was not the best recipe to follow. The frosting on the other hand was definitely not garbage, it was heaven! The rest of the night consisted of baby cones at Charley's Ice Cream, running out of Kohl's after playing in the make-up section, and a good ol' ski fashion photo shoot.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's that time of the year when students begin the 2 weeks of hell...Yes that is what I'll call it. HELL. Finals are upon us; this being my first year of finals is seemingly not so bad. (sarcasm is a beautiful thing.)  I have managed to leave two days to study for my final tomorrow and with my reputation of procrastination my study habits will be likely the same for my other classes.

Awww, a nice break from the studying to enjoy a Diet Coke, Pandora, and blogging. Thank you Lisa for the welcoming message to the blogosphere! I am enjoying my stay so far.
Do you remember the song from Primary that goes: Oh what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green? I'm sure you do and I'm almost 100 % positive you just sang it in your head as you read along. Now sing along to this...

 Oh what do you do when it's finals time and all the info is lame?

                                                               Do you watch Rachel Ray?

  Or crave the bay, as you watch all the waves roll by? 

 (yes that is me, maria, and missy at Newport Beach Cali)


Oh what do you do when it's finals time and all the info is lame?

Do you dress up real cool?

Or act as a fool, and watch yourself waste time away?


Oh what do you do when it's finals time and all the info is lame?

Do you want to go ski with your Grandma Big E?
Or travel around QUI QUI!!