Thursday, October 1, 2015

Raisin the Roof with Gram

Grandmas alway have a special recipe that only they know how to make...

Lucky for me Grandma Lila let me come spend a day learning how to make her infamous raisin filled cookies.

These are famous. And a lot of you non-raisin lovers are probably thinking EWWW but before you stick your tongue out in disgust, you'll have to try one!

These are heaven sent. Made for the most elite. 

I remember these cookies for as long as I can remember, a staple at all football games! Random strangers usually ask if there is a spare for them to try--and gram being the saint she is gives them away!

Grandma Lila made a handwritten notebook of all her famous recipes and gave one to each grandchild. The book is gold and worth more than anything I own.

If you asked me what was something I'd grab if the house started on fire...this would be one of the items.

I absolutely adore the handwritten recipes.

Spending time with grandparents is important and sometimes we take it for granted... Just as quickly as we are aging, so are they.

Making cookies isn't the only thing we can learn from our grandparents.

They help you understand the simple things.

Grandparents may not know the ins and outs of the newest technology, but they do know what is most important in life. They love you with everything they've got.

And while we make cookies...grandpa is out in his yard chumming bees. You think I'm kidding. He's literally chumming bees.

"Autumn, come here and let me show you something."

*I walk outside*

"Now watch this. I will poor this on the flowers and in an hour you will see a ton of bees all over the place!"

*I look over to see grandma looking out the window at us shaking her head and laughing at the sweet man she married*

Grandpa continues to take me around the house to show me his greens.

The first time I ever tried a cherry tomato was at Grandma Lila's house. I wasn't too sure of it before I took a bite. I squeezed the little sucker and tiny seeds shot into my eye--great first experience with tomatoes. I love tomatoes now.

And wouldn't you know it, grandpa has been trying a new thing and growing cantaloupe this year.

We went back over to the "chumming bee section." Sure enough, bees all over were coming to get honey. It was no longer grandma laughing and shaking her head, but me as well.

(look at his butt! ha! oh wait there isn't one there)

I laughed as I told grandpa I was surprised it really worked. He looked back at me and smiled and said, "I'm their best friend and I know what they need."

Yes, grandpa. You truly are a best friend and know exactly what I need.

"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And most importantly, cookies."
<<<Rudy Giuliani>>>

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