Monday, July 13, 2015


Because sometimes the thing you really need is to spend some quality time laughing your butt off with a friend (of 15 years) and chill in a mountain lake with a $3 Walmart tube.

Introducing my most favorite place in the entire world: 


I'm 100% positive it's my favorite place. I haven't seen the whole world, yet, but this place will always be my favorite. Can't help it. 

<< And thank you to the good people who finally got signs up to direct you to the lake because hello? Directionally challenged over here even though I've been a thousand and one times. >>

Sid and I woke up, picked up Old Gristmill sandwiches and took off for the 2-hour drive. 

Definition of mountain class: This photo

Ask us how doggy paddling back went. It didn't.

Okay, cutest ever. We have both had our Keen's since 6th grade! We laughed and joked about all the adventures/places these shoes have been. And that our feet haven't grown since then.

How great it is you can just jump in your car and go anywhere. Anywhere! My car is partial to places like this.

Of course we went off the rope swing. Sorry no pics to prove it. But I will tell you Sid and I showed up some teenage boy who thought he was all macho till it was his turn to swing. I was yelling at him from the lake to commit. (still laughing out loud about it as I type this)

It was a FAB weekend. If I ever become full blown hippie and decide to live one with nature--you can find me here. God took extra time making this place...and I couldn't be more grateful!

<< I don't know where I'm going but I promise it won't be boring. >>

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