Monday, January 13, 2014

Baby is Coming

Attention, attention this is important news!
A baby boy is coming with shades of blues.

A shower with gifts to welcome this child...
The gifts were cute, and with delight Channing smiled.

A cute little onesie from family that's near and dear...
This baby will come out skiing, from what we hear!

Look at that snowflake all tiny and red...
The Knowles make cute babies, that's just how they're bred!

Just one year ago Channing and Jaron had made a Halloween joke...
This year there really is a baby, give her stomach a poke!

Many were there to give congrats and hugs...
We were given vanilla shakes in cute little mugs!

As you can see there were little tots all around...
To give Channing a taste of how the home will now sound!

Both grandma's came to the extravagant party...
Talk to them for five minutes, you'll see their personalities are quite hearty.

The littles ran around with jubilee and joy...
They were all little girls, Channing will be happy with her BOY!

Were happy to say he's due really soon...
Thank goodness for Channing he isn't due in June!

Channing, she's the closest thing I've got to a biological sister so this baby can be sort of my nephew right? ;) 

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Spring Sweets and Blues

Eeeep! I took a brave risk this semester. I decided to change my major to the opposite end of the spectrum from Health Science to Journalism, emphasis in Public Relations. Crazy? Well, we already knew I was to begin with. However after these first two days of classes I'm realizing it's going to be a lot of work. An additional two and a half more years of school for a bachelors degree. Heaven help me. Even though I am a 20 year old and this is my 3rd year of college I still cry over going to school. Yep. Today I had a full emotional break down about having to pay tuition for the next two and a half years. What could possibly make me feel better other than magically being done with school? 

The answer? Penny Candy. Specifically from the ever famous Island Market. It's been there since as long as I can remember, being right next to the elementary school I attended. 

It was a treat to have mom or dad stop at the Island Market and let you fill a paper sack full of sweet and sour gummies. Flavors of all different sorts: Peach, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Grapefruit, Sour Apple, and my favorite the Smartie Suckers.

What is it about these sweet nothings that can make you feel even an ounce bit better about life?

That maybe just for 1 second that deliciousness gives your tongue a big hug and reminds you to treat yourself. Life can be pretty stressful. We need to find "little sweet nothings" through out the day to remind us that at the end of the day there is always something to be grateful for. Even Penny Candies.

On another note...I got a new camera from Santa this last Christmas. It's been exciting and new to explore photography. My new fav is exploring night photography of stars. With this view and Penny Candy here and there I think I can make it through the semester. Be brave and take risks. It's worth a shot.

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