Thursday, October 3, 2013

Balancing Act

Let me tell you a little story that goes along with a typical college student or anyone for that matter. First, enjoy these fall pictures I was able to capture a week ago.

Storytime: Quite some time before college began I made the goal to pay for my entire college with my own money. No help from the parents. No help from student loans. However, when I did come up short my giving parents were so kind to help me make up the difference. In the times they have helped me I have paid them back with monthly checks. I live at home. Basically I was paying school rent to the parentals. 

It's hard to save money. It's hard to work your butt off all summer long to get to that pay deadline for school and write out an enormous check to USU, draining your bank account. Seeing your account being drained thousands of dollars is humbling. This expense leaves me wondering is it worth it? It's worth it though. It gives you a satisfaction knowing that you payed for this. This education is mine. After you pay your chunk sum for fall semester you start to rebuild for spring semester. Slow and sure your bank account begins to raise slowly.

You have other expenses you pay for: gas, food, entertainment. It's times when I begin to look at clothing, shoes, and handbags online where I get in trouble. I see all these wants. And oh my goodness. That one pair of boots I find. The small devil and angel appear on my shoulders. The devil, "Autumn, buy the boots! Buy the damn boots!" The angel, "No! You know spring semester is right around the corner. Every cent counts, save your money." I swear I stare at the screen for 20 minutes wondering "Do I need these boots?" It's a fight of judgement I have for the next hour in my head. It was then, while on Pinterest, I saw this... It must be a sign right?


 I sat there for a moment. If you could have been a fly on the wall watching this whole experience fold out I'm sure it would be entertaining to see me weigh my options. But gosh. Those boots were so darn cute.
  I remembered the true fact in that moment that life is too short. It's ok every now and then to splurge on yourself. In fact I believe it to be very important to give yourself a pat on the back for working hard. If that involves buying a pair of cute boots, or designer jeans or something simple like frozen yogurt you go ahead and do it. So did I live up to what I preach?
You bet, I bought the damn boots.

(It is however very important to save and not overspend from your budget!)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Not so Bummer Summer

Though out of school it hasn't felt like summer until this past Memorial weekend...

We always head to the Seeholzer family cabin...This weekend I drove up by myself to listen to my own music and play with the camera. Top list of my goals this summer?

Use my dad's nice camera to the best of its abilities...

I couldn't resist a selfie... That's not using the camera very well is it?

Part of this photo journey will be capturing the grand things in 'Murica that we love to celebrate!

One of my fav things to celebrate? Bear Lake. My home away from home. Every waking or sleeping moment this place captures my heart.

Take better "in action" photos. Oh Ian...Ladies he is single and ready to mingle.

Figuring out how to capture the moon on many different settings was tough! Still working on it.

Sweet pea Sage gives my pappy full attention in hopes of getting a milk bone

Dad soaks in Bear Lake and relaxes on the beach

Bear Lake is not a white sandy beach. A beach none the less. It has its own Rocky Mountain appeal

Being the good Lab she is, she leaps and swims for the water toy we throw. At the same time she turns into BatDog!

Though Bear Lake may seem as though it is all hick and red neck...there is still delicate, little beauties all around! Even where we look the least...

A new adventure waits around every corner in Bear Lake. First time sailing this weekend! If you see me soon ask to see my bruise from the experience. It was well worth it.

Two boys in blue talk about the old days and what they miss.

And like I said about hicks or rednecks...We proudly accept it. We shot many potguts and it turns's really fun!

Cuties on a bike ride with puppy in backpack

Some ask what is easy livings...This right here, this picture explains it with no words. 

Paddle boarding got checked off the bucket list!

Skipping rocks? Check, check check!

Caribbean of the Rockies? Yeah I think so!

Icky faces as we watch the adults get the insides of their noses waxed? Priceless. Just when I think we've done and seen it all at the Seeholzer cabin they go and pull this. I love it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother Teresa

This is my mom, Teresa. We like to call her Mother Teresa. Is she a saint like the real one? Ummmm there is some question to that but for the most part...she most definitely is. (Excuse the olden day pics with horrible quality)

Let's start with the beginning...These two met and one thing led to another, you know marriage, babies, the whole sha-bang! Once you're married I feel you automatically get to celebrate Mother's Day. I better get on that if I want people to kiss my feet for this day of celebration!

(Don't you just love the red carpet in our old house? Ian told lies my whole childhood about how you couldn't see the monsters blood dripping from its claws because it blended into the carpet.)

Teresa's first born Ian...welcomed mother dearest into the real world of motherhood. Diaper changing, cleaning puke, and spending all their money on this little fart. Older brothers are great aren't they? Little did he know that Momma and Pappy wanted another. The tiny family's little hellian was on her way!

Oh there I am! Looking all cute with wig-like hair and ya know what? We just look good in our 90's fashion ok? Now my mom had really entered into motherhood. She now had two kids! Two very naughty kids who got into mischief around every corner!

(Ian: skeleton. Dad: Not really sure? Me: Mrs. Doubtfire)

Can you imagine putting up with us? She did. She handled everything. With grace and humor and everything that I want to be like when I am a mom. 

Let's not forget the moms who raised my parents though...My sweet grandmas! They are the kind of grandmas that when you are feeling skinny and good about your diet well... as soon as you walk through the door you know you are going to eat whatever they offer you. You eat it because 1.) It's damn good. 2.) How could you say no? and 3.) Cheating on the diet never hurt for just one day right?

 My mom has sent both Ian and I off on our own growing up adventures. Him on his to West Yellowstone, although only 4 hours away.

We fight, laugh, shop, annoy dad and Ian, bake, cook, tease, smile, anything and everything. They dedicate an entire day to Mothers because let's be honest...They take care of everything. They are everything. My mom and grandmas cease to amaze me. It is only a hope that one day I can turn out to be just like them. Hopefully the saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" applies to me.

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life."
-Abraham Lincoln

Monday, May 6, 2013

School is out, Scream & Shout

St. Geezy 2013

(Excuse the minor errors in the audio)

And just like that school ends for the summer! With all of our finals finishing up early in the week we decided to celebrate and relax with a wonderful adventurous trip to St. George. I have been down here more often than not it seems. 

It was a wonderful time with many memories I will remember forever. We hiked Angel's Landing in Zion's National Park. It was stunning and one to go down in the books. Towards the end you are climbing up a steep mountain, clinging to chains for support. It was an adventure thriller. I of course loved every second.

This video sums up everything right from the moment we left little Cache Valley to the final drive home. I think it's important to get out of town and do something you have never done before. It keeps you sane and reminds you of the awesomeness everywhere. Is that even a word? Who cares school is out for the summer!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April Showers Bring May Flowers

 April has been jammed full of adventure, studying, laughing, goofing around, dating, hiking, and enjoying life. It's the life of a college student, specifically mine and I LOVE it. So unpredictable, enchanting, and refreshing just like the weather of April...

A candid moment between Lindsay and makes me giggle every time I see it!

It was a warm spring evening....

and we took every advantage of it....

Another favorite photo...Madi looks as though she is swinging bare bummed! Her response? #nopantsdontcare

Baby Animal Days was a success! Looking a little dreary with rain clouds we were nervous! It started off great however! The baby bun buns stayed nice and warm cupped in our hands.

Oh but wait...It's Utah and I'll be damned if it doesn't give you a little spurt of rain/downpour when you're least expecting it. 

These little cuties could go home with you for a price! However...I don't think Mother Teresa would approve, no matter how nice she may seem and no matter that price!

While raining on our poor little heads and no jackets...we waited patiently to see the baby bears inside! It was worth the wait to see those little balls of fur.

 Did I mention that a bunny snuggling up into your neck is the new therapy? But when that bunny starts to nibble on your hair and chews off a piece that bunny can go right back into its cage.

Every year my parents go to St. George in April for my dad to attend continuing education. It's great. I hadn't been in 3 years so I decided that a little weekend getaway was perfect to fix my school blues. If you have never stayed at The Inn at Entrada, I highly reccomend it! This view is right in your backyard of your "hotel" room.

Grammy decided to pick a should see the other guy!! No no, she picked a fight with the curb. Though this picture makes her seem as though she had been through the war and's her blue eyes that steal the picture. In fact it's the first thing I noticed after the picture had been taken! She is beautiful no matter the black and blue.

No trip to St. George is complete without stopping at Nelson's for some custard! Look at these cuties!

Dad enlightened me with climbing up the "Dixie Rock". It was insanely windy! We enjoyed our 15 minutes of freedom from Mother T and Grammy E to explore the colorful rocks.

At this point I told my dad we must have a photo shoot! Well done pappy!

Me and Mother T at dinner honoring the eye doctors of the Utah Optemetric Association. 

I made the parents get up early Sunday morning before we left for home to hike in the beautiful Snow Canyon State Park. It could not have been a prettier day.

Oh hi dad...Where the hell did you get those socks? We'll work on that ok?

My grandma looks smashing in any color she puts on! I love her with all my heart and don't know what I'd do without her. (excuse the blurry Iphone camera)

Final photo...This is the moment I truly fell head over heels for the beauty of southern Utah. The colors of the bright orange rocks captivate me with the brilliant blue skies standing out in the background. I think I could get lost here for hours and be completely content with life.

Now back to the real world where college is still happening and finals still need to be taken.