Monday, December 10, 2012

Well folks, as I come to the conclusion of this Fall 2012 semester I can only think but of one thing...Where the did time go? Have I really grown up this much? I review my years in all their simplicity and realized just how much I underestimate the growing up process. Whether they be simple life lessons or huge impacts on your life that you never dreamed would happen to you, they all change you for the better.

To my simple days of having my family as my best friends. I learned from a young age that family is here to stay forever and no matter what I love them. 

My beginnings at kindergarten...socks with sandals I learned, was a big no no. 

From the endless summers at the family cabin I learned to appreciate the beauty of fun, sun, summer, family, and that laughing can cure anything. 

From simple beginnings freshman year of high school. The loss of a friend will force you to grow up in ways you could never imagine. You learn the important things of life and see the bigger picture. You learn that through it all there are people who care all around and the saying "Go Big or Go Home" can apply to any part of your life. 

A trip to Europe to see the world and understand that where we live is a blessing I count everyday. 

A summer you will never forget with friendship and so much fun it's hard to believe you fit it all in 3 months. 

The humanitarian trip to help others in need and again realize how good we have it and the importance of reaching out a hand to those who need help. 

My years at Logan High learning the importance of friends, family, school, and putting in passion to what you want to do with your life. 


The first year of college where you learn the adjustments of finding out about hard work, dedication, and dating the many boys on campus! 

And how could one forget the summer you moved out for the first time and worked your butt off all while having a blast living in a trailer, exploring Yellowstone Park, making new friends, memories and spending ample times on the lake. The summer you learned about getting along with everybody and how hard it is to live too close to friends.

The  most recent...Getting in my first car crash with the Aggie Shuttle is just another thing that adds character in your life, no matter how embarrassing it was, and no matter how hard you cried when you called your mom.

 All the way to the now where new family members are added to the group and you are in your 2nd year of college wondering what is the next step. Every little thing we do in our lives teaches us something new be it small or large. I have come to find being happy is a choice of how you live and what you do with what you have in the now. To truly be happy you have to find the joys in everything, be a friend, and push forward with all you have. 

One of the best things I have ever read was this, "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body. But rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit...what a ride!" 

Now...back to studying for finals and quit procrastinating.