Yes, a tad late but a memory never to be forgotten.
Jiggy Day is all about going big, doing someething that makes you feel fearless. Also a time to reflect on the soul of someone who taught you so many life lessons it's impossible to put it all down on one blog. Jocie would be turning 20 on this beautiful day. Last year we took on the adventure of sky diving for her birthday. How do you top that? You can't, it's nearly impossible. However hiking the Wellsvilles comes pretty close.
The Wellsvilles are said to be the steepest mountains in the world. Naturally, if were going big it's best to take on the steepest mountains in the world. No doubt in my heart and mind, Jocie would be here every step of the way to reach the top with us.
With ski poles in hand we hiked a slow steady pace. Leaving at 3 P.M was not exactly the brightest decision which you can ask me personally at a later date. Let's just say it was one of the many things that added to this memory.
It was a beautiful day to hike. On Jiggy Day, no questions asked you are going to end up doing something crazy, fun, and hilarious.
Along the way Sid and I run into some jumpy grouse. Flying in front of us they scared us so bad I fell flat on my butt...Yeah not a shining moment in my life.
As you get closer to the top you are surrounded by evil bushes that feel like needles. If you are fun size in height, like Sid and I, you will be walking through a maze of bushes. At this point due to the time of day, it was getting quite cold and shaded on the side of the mountain the trail leads through. Our legs were getting scratched by imagination cats.
Once feeling as though the top of the Wellsvilles would never come the view of Brigham City and Willard Bay come into view. A feeling of complete satisfaction and that "ahhhh" moment fill your body. Before the hike I made a sign of "Go Big or Go Big Home" on a scrap piece of fabric which we then tied to our hiking ski poles. For Jocie we leave our mark at the top knowing full-heartedly she would be there right with us every step of the way.
It was a gorgeous evening that could not be topped. "Go Big or Go Home" is a simple phrase. One I try to live by every single day of my life. It's hard to believe how much time has passed. Some days I feel as though it was just yesterday we were all skiing together and times when it feels distant...
As we begin the descent down, the sun illuminates our surroundings. Tears fill my eyes as I look around and soak it all in. It's amazing to me that even when their was a time in life that was sad, overwhelming, confusing, and life changing there is still things in this life that are beautiful.
On Jiggy Day it's a time to remember that life is full of fun, love, laughter, joy, beauty, family, faith, friendships, adventure, spontaneity, and doing the best you possibily can.
After a traditional Jiggy Day eating at Angie's for a breakfast dinner we retire our shoes and socks to reveal absolutely FILTHY feet. Mother Teresa was not pleased to hear we walked across the carpet.
Jiggy Day gives you the chance to remember a girl who lived and loved so deeply for the people and life around her. I will forever miss our skiing days...
"So much of me is made from what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And now whatever way our stories end, I know you have re-written mine, by being my friend..."